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The NFL captivates football fans’ collective attention year-round. So, to contextualize what such interest means for the league, its teams, and partners, we identified and assessed various broadcast and social value elements from last year’s preseason through the 2022 NFL Draft.
This year’s Winter Games had an array of captivating storylines across several sports. We explored which competitions had the most broadcast appeal on an overall and regional basis, while also highlighting the social reach from an event that signified the end of an era.
Memorable moments amplify the brand exposure received by league partners, so we examined broadcast and social trends to determine their effect on brand value generation.
An athlete’s brand value is often tied to success in competition, so we evaluated the social boost each U.S. medalist received during the Tokyo Games to understand the impact of a podium finish.
In order to assess how upsets influence viewership trends, we analyzed both average and minute-to-minute broadcast from a sample of 14 first-round matchups.
Broadcast viewership and social activations to the minute-to-minute level are invaluable insights tools when analyzing Super Bowl performance.
Our 2020 Rankings evaluated the social media performance of the top brands, teams, and leagues over the course of the year in sports.